Cephalopods, related to modern squids and cuttlefish, swarmed in the ancient seas. At times they were the dominant invertebrates and some reached several feet in length. In shape they ranged from straight-shelled species to ones elaborately curled and ornamented. Only the wide end of the shell was occupied by the soft-bodied animal that built it. The rest was closed off and divided into a series of chambers by cross walls. When the fossil is broken open these walls are often mistaken for the vertebrae of a fossil fish. Meet our Cephalopod!
...Learn moreThe Fourth Chute Falls are right beside the Bonnechere Caves picnic area. There are trails along the falls so that people can walk and plenty of flat rocksto sit and walk on so that photographers and painters can take their time to capture the beauty of the falls.
Read the Ottawa Citizen's 5 Worth the Drive
Go to Fourth Chute Falls Photo Gallery
Hey there Bonnechere Caves fans! Check out this fresh video from Ontario's Highlands tourism Organization promoting motorcycling on our curvy country roads and featuring the caves as a motorcycle friendly business. The music is done by a band called "Fiddleheads". And no folks your guided tour does not feature music underground however if you visit our website and watch for caves facebook promotions you can visit when we do have underground music.
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