Ontario's Natural Underground Wonder
A Family Owned and Operated Site

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As we move closer to the spring / summer season, watch this website or our Facebook page for updates on our opening dates and Special Events!


May Long Weekend to June 30th (Daily).
(Tours go every 20-30 minutes)

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

July and August (Daily), up to Labour Day.
(Tours go every 20-30 minutes)

First Tour: 10:00 am
Last Tour: 4:00 pm

Our one hour long guided tours go every 20 – 30 minutes so just drop by when you are ready!

After Labour Day weekends until Thanksgiving (2nd Monday in October) This includes the Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Thanksgiving weekend.
(Tours go every 20-30 minutes)

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Our one hour long guided tours go every 20 – 30 minutes so just drop by when you are ready!

Weekday Tours in September.

11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm

Rates (Bonnechere Caves - Tour Fees)

* Our prices include all applicable taxes and parking.



Seniors (65 +)


Youth (13-17 years)


Children (4-12)


Under 4
